Not far from Arezzo, more precisely in Cetica, nearby Castel San Niccolò, located along the upper Corso del Torrente Solano, RealistaGroup is pleased to offer for Exclusive Sale a single portion of a four-family villa of approximately 160 square meters on three levels. The property, surrounded on two sides by a large paved courtyard, is accessed via a lovely loggia which leads to the ground floor comprising lounge, kitchen with terrace, bedroom and bathroom. On the first floor, with sloping ceilings, there is a second bedroom that overlooks another loggia, a bathroom and an attic. The property is completed by a spacious cellar and a comfortable parking space. The villa enjoys a spectacular panoramic view of the typical landscape of these areas: hairpin bends, piles of wood and cultivated terraces that characterize the territory of Cetica, located at an altitude between 600 and 700 m. above sea level, ideal place to spend holidays with family and friends in serenity or as a quiet and characteristic place of residence.
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